The Do's & Dont's of air conditioner noise
Use the quietest unit to begin with – it may be the difference between an acceptable or unacceptable noise level for a given location.

Don’t necessarily use the cheapest unit – it may be the noisiest – check the noise level.

Install the unit as far from the boundary as possible – the further it is from neighbours, the lower the noise level. Place the unit facing the back fence or the furthest fence if possible.

Don’t install the unit near a boundary, especially if it is near a window or worst of all – near a bedroom window!

Make sure that any fences or barriers are effective barriers, with no holes, gaps or missing planks.

Don’t assume any tree or bush is an efffective barrier – it is not and it won’t provide any protection from the noise.

Try and locate the unit away from any reflecting surfaces.

Don’t place the unit near corners or in very reverberant spaces such as carports or alcoves.

Ask for acoustic advice from a professional qualified acoustic consultant. Even if the expected noise level is too high a consultant will be able to design an enclosure or advise on how to reduce the noise level.

Don’t assume the problem will go away – it won’t. Act now before it is a problem and you will have a happy client, not an ongoing and possibly expensive complaint.